Masonry heaters in Northern New York's Adirondacks are affordable and are the safest, most efficient way to heat with cord wood. Mark Seymour, a member of the Masonry Heater Association of North America, and owner operator of Potsdam based Radiant Hearth, Inc., operates this local small business dedicated to wood fired heating, cooking and baking. "After enjoying many years of warmth from a 1975 vintage wood stove in my hearth, my quest for a more sustainable and efficient way to heat my home led me to my discovery of masonry heaters. This ancient technology of recovering flue gas heat through masonry channels, before they are lost up the chimney, is as relevant now as it was 400 years ago." There are many styles of these heaters found throughout: Northern Europe, Asia and more recently North America. Masonry heaters are surging in popularity as a proven way to burn less cord wood. Northern New York has an abundant resource of cord wood. Masonry heaters are the best and most comfortable way to heat your home with this carbon neutral resource.
A wonderful resource for information and further research on masonry heaters.Type your paragraph here.
Radiant Hearth
TULIKIVI soapstone masonry heater builder, fireplaces,
bake ovens
Mark is an active member of the MHA of North America.Type your paragraph here.
Radiant Hearth, Inc.
Owner: Mark Seymour
Areas of expertise:
Masonry Heaters, cook stoves and bake ovens